Dapper Daniel Diapurrman
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Dapper Daniel Diapurrman
Purrman by day, reluctant foster parent by night

Dapper Dan the Diapurrman

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About Dan


Dan’s Story

In the Spring of 2019, baby Dan was just under 2 months old when he was trapped by an amazing Feral Cat Coalition volunteer with his mom and siblings. The volunteers didn’t notice he was different, until they were prepping the kittens for spay/neuter surgery and he was dragging his hind legs behind him. Normally a kitten like Dan would have been scheduled for euthanasia since it can be hard to find a foster to take him on with little notice, but thankfully they knew exactly who to call!

FCC had worked with Hannah Shaw (@kittenxlady) many times in the past, so they knew if anyone could find someone to help, it would be her. Hannah and her fiancé Andrew Marttila (@iamthecatphotographer) run a non-profit rescue organization together that specializes in young kittens (@orphankittenclub). It just so happened that on that day, they were having a particularly crazy one. They had a litter of kittens that was super sick, they had a high energy foster dog, AND a foster piglet! Their house was totally full, and a paralyzed and incontinent cat would have put them way over capacity - so they called in an expert - Shanta Siegler (@triumphant_teagan). Shanta has a ton of experience working with cats like Dan (seriously, her house is full of them), and didn't hesitate to take him in.

Once Dan was healthy enough to be adopted, I was lucky enough to be selected as his forever home! He currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area in California, with his fur-sisters, Adelaide the dog, and Presley the cat. Thankfully they bonded right away, and our pack is truly whole.


About Dan’s Mom, Kitten Collector


The one who does the typing

Hi friends, I’m Ashley, Dan’s adoptive mama and the human who posts the photos and videos, but also does the kitten collecting. I know you may not be here for me, and that’s cool, but we’ll use this page to talk about some of the awesome rescue efforts we are working on, as well as do some ranting about the current rescue (and honestly political) climate in the world, because it’s all mushing together these days.

My focus as a volunteer in RescueLand tends to be focused on a few basic things:

  • Orphan neonatal and special needs kittens

  • Overnight kitten care for my local animal shelter

  • Community Education (with a focus on what it means to support or work with a non-profit)

I hope that you’re here with an open mind, and will learn some stuff, and I’d love to learn from you too!


Help us Help Kittens

Our registries for supplies that help us save more babies, and keep our rescues safe, happy and healthy! (and a wishlist for goodies for our resident babies)

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Some cool stories about us



A sweet video and article about Dan and his condition, and how he found his way to our home!

Ashley was in New York recovering from surgery after participating as a living liver donor for her father, when her friend shared a video of Kitten Lady, aka...


Jackson Growlaxy on the dodo

This is the story of Jackson, the puppy we fostered for our friends at Every Pet’s Dream.


Aoife on the dodo

Our first paralyzed foster kitten Aoife! She was only here for a few days before going to our friend Shanta in LA, but we loved her just the same. We special needs adopted her from the San Jose Animal Care Center.